The Spirit Falls at Work!

Where no oxen are, the manger is clean but much revenue comes from the strength of the ox.  Proverbs 14: 4 NASB

For the past 4 years I have been working in the construction industry as an electrician and it has been fun, challenging and at times downright exciting.  I say exciting because of some of the stuff I got to see happen right on the jobsite while bending electrical conduit in mechanical rooms or wiring up a receptacle for a school admin office.  Working right next to guys that Jesus Loves so much and they have no idea just how much until I step into the picture and open my mouth.  One such story is just awesome I love it so much because it is real!  It could be offensive to some that have forgotten that we were all at one time lost and headed for the outer darkness, a place filled with weeping and gnashing of teeth.  But for those who have the Love and compassion of Jesus in their hearts will see the beauty in this story. 

It starts as I said at work.  I was working on the 2nd floor of this new medical complex that we were building.  I was doing what we in the biz call “roping a room.” Which means that I was putting in the cabling that will eventually bring the power to the wall outlets for the office that I am in.  In the room next to me were two of the framers that worked for the general contractor.  I could see them through the wall because it was still bare metal studs at this point.  We were chatting a bit here and there about nothing of any importance, when all of the sudden my ears pricked up and I heard one of those guys ask the other one. “What are you doing for lunch today?” The other guy responded with “I’m going to the Bleeping Doctor man!”

I will write bleeping in place of a certain expletive used quite often in the construction field that starts with the letter “F”. If you need further explanation beyond that then I beg you to please put yourself back out there into a place where you can have some impact on those in the world that are hurting and broken, and it won’t take very long to see what “F” stands for.  He went on to explain that he had a problem with his toe for almost his entire life where it hurt all the time and was a nasty foggy green color under his toenail.  He went on like this for a couple minutes and I was just listening to him. 

I was thinking yes this is awesome cause I’m here to hear this and I have just the person living in me that can fix this problem.  So I walked over to him and said, “hey man can I pray for your toe?  I see Jesus heal people all the time.”

“Hell yeah go for it bro!” He replied. I put my finger on his shoe and commanded it to be healed and released the Love of God over him.  I stood up and asked him how it was, as he was making the sign of the cross, turns out this guy is a catholic.  He responded almost shouting that was “bleeping awesome man!!!” He said his toe felt the same but that the Holy Spirit was touching him.  He started shouting and looking at his buddy and raising his hands yelling, “the Bleeping Holy Spirit is touching me bro!!!” Haha it was crazy awesome.  So I tell him how much God Loves him and tell these two guys my quick 2 min version of my testimony.

So this guy takes off for the doctor and I left work early that day to pick someone up at the airport. This all happened on a Friday.  So Monday rolls around and I get into work and I see this guy first thing in the morning and ask him how he is.  Turns out that all the pain he had in his toe went away an hour after I had prayed and he felt the Holy Spirit on him all weekend long.  He told me about how that changed his life and he believed in God again.  It was super cool for me to see, and that kind of stuff made me love getting out of bed in the morning to go to work.  You are in a strategic place and people need the Jesus that is inside of you.  In 2 Peter 1:3 it says that we have been given everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us… Be encouraged and listen to those around you and step out with Jesus. Pretty soon you will have stories like this.